Marketing Services

Local doctors, clinics, and other health care service
companies can sponsor "Doctors
by Specialty" pages. This will add immediate
targeted traffic to your website and your office.

Banner advertising offers not only click though traffic
to your website but also real branding opportunities.
Your business will be seen by local surfers.This
service may be used by any business wanting to target
the Treasure Coast Community.

You probably found this site while doing a search for
something health related. You are not alone, thousands
of people from the Treasure Coast (and all over the
world) use this site every day.
Treasure Coast Health has higher search engine visability
than all of the other local health websites conbined,
even the area hospital websites.
In order for your web presence to be effective people
have to find it.

We understand how to design sites that work for your
business. Our sites have the following features.
- Content rich
- Easy to use and navigate.
- Focused on your market.
- Low bandwidth
- Search Engine ready
Why Market your Practice?
Marketing may seem to be a limited problem in
a physician's practice. So why advertise or try
to increase "sales"? In 1999, Americans spent
260 billion dollars, out of pocket, for medical
care. Potential Patients who use the Internet
have higher average income levels.
Target these patients and you could increase
the flow of both insurance and non-insurance revenue.
Patients want and need information to make correct
decisions. Physicians who can showcase their practice
and understand the Internet are providing a wealth
of information that potential patients can't receive
from any other form of advertising.
Why not target the most desirable procedures
and patients?
Treasure Coast Health can help
you do this.